1 Introduction
Ouaou tu viens d'acheter une wacom Bamboo et tu veux que ca rox sous ta petite ubuntu ! Panipwoblem !
2 Installation
On installe :
sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-wacom wacom-tools
3 Configuration
On backup son xorg :
sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak
Dans la section module, on rajoute ceci :
Section "Module"
Load "wacom"
Puis on balance tout ceci également :
Section "InputDevice"
Driver "wacom"
Identifier "stylus"
#Option "Device" "/dev/ttyS0" # Tablette SERIE
Option "Device" "/dev/input/wacom" # Tablette USB
Option "Type" "stylus" # Stylet pointe ecriture
Option "USB" "on" # Tablette USB
Option "Mode" "absolute" # Position sur la tablette
#Option "ForceDevice" "ISDV4" # Tablet PC ONLY
#Option "HistorySize" "64" # Taille buffer
Option "Tilt" "on" # Inclinaison
#Option "TiltInvert" "on" # Invertion de l'inclinaison
Option "Threshold" "5" # sensibilité à la pression
Section "InputDevice"
Driver "wacom"
Identifier "eraser"
#Option "Device" "/dev/ttyS0" # Tablette SERIE
Option "Device" "/dev/input/wacom" # Tablette USB
Option "Type" "eraser" # stylet pointe gomme
Option "USB" "on" # Tablette USB
Option "Mode" "absolute" # Position sur la tablette
#Option "ForceDevice" "ISDV4" # Tablet PC ONLY
#Option "HistorySize" "64" # Taille buffer
Option "Tilt" "on" # Inclinaison
#Option "TiltInvert" "on" # Invertion de l'inclinaison
Option "Threshold" "5" # sensibilité à la pression
Section "InputDevice"
Driver "wacom"
Identifier "cursor"
#Option "Device" "/dev/ttyS0" # Tablette SERIE
Option "Device" "/dev/input/wacom" # Tablette USB
Option "Type" "cursor"
Option "USB" "on" # Tablette USB
Option "Mode" "absolute" # Position sur la tablette
#Option "ForceDevice" "ISDV4" # Tablet PC ONLY
#Option "HistorySize" "64" # Taille buffer
Dans la partie ServerLayout :
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Default Layout"
Screen "Default Screen"
InputDevice "Generic Keyboard"
InputDevice "Configured Mouse"
InputDevice "stylus" "SendCoreEvents"
InputDevice "eraser" "SendCoreEvents"
InputDevice "cursor" "SendCoreEvents" # pour les tablettes non lcd seulement
InputDevice "pad" # pour tablettes Intuos3/Cintiq 21UX/Graphire4 et ne doit pas envoyer d'evenement noyau
On redémarre gdm et c'est tout bon :
/etc/init.d/gdm restart
Ensuite pour les touches sur la tablette :
xsetwacom set pad AbsWUp 4 #scroll up
xsetwacom set pad AbsWDn 5 #scroll down
xsetwacom set pad button3 4 # key: scroll up
xsetwacom set pad button1 5 # key: scroll dn
xsetwacom set pad button2 1 #FN1 key: left mouse button
xsetwacom set pad button4 3 #FN2 key: right mouse button
3.1 The Gimp
Et pour ce Gimp alors ? Pourquoi ça marche pas au poil ? bah si coco !
- Allez dans Fichier > Preferences > Périphériques d’entrée et cliquez sur le bouton “Configurer les périphériques d’entrée étendus”.
- Dans la liste des périphériques sélectionnez successivement les éléments “stylus, eraser et pad, et mettez pour chacun l’option “Ecran” dans la liste “Mode”.
- Cliquez sur “Enregistrer”
Vous pouvez maintenant utiliser votre tablette avec Gimp.
Cependant par défaut le stylet et la gomme sont configurés pour utiliser le même outil. Pour changer cela, tournez votre stylet pour utiliser la “gomme” et selectionnez un outil (au hasard la gomme…). Il lui est maintenant associé :)
3.2 Exemple de configuration
Voici un xorg.conf pour exemple :
# xorg.conf (X.Org X Window System server configuration file)
# This file was generated by dexconf, the Debian X Configuration tool, using
# values from the debconf database.
# Edit this file with caution, and see the xorg.conf manual page.
# (Type "man xorg.conf" at the shell prompt.)
# This file is automatically updated on xserver-xorg package upgrades *only*
# if it has not been modified since the last upgrade of the xserver-xorg
# package.
# If you have edited this file but would like it to be automatically updated
# again, run the following command:
# sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Generic Keyboard"
Driver "kbd"
Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
Option "XkbLayout" "fr"
Option "XkbVariant" "oss"
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Configured Mouse"
Driver "mouse"
Option "CorePointer"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
Option "Protocol" "ImPS/2"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true"
Section "InputDevice"
Driver "wacom"
Identifier "stylus"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/wacom"
Option "Type" "stylus"
# Option "ForceDevice" "ISDV4" # Tablet PC ONLY
Option "USB" "on"
Section "InputDevice"
Driver "wacom"
Identifier "eraser"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/wacom"
Option "Type" "eraser"
# Option "ForceDevice" "ISDV4" # Tablet PC ONLY
Option "USB" "on"
Section "InputDevice"
Driver "wacom"
Identifier "cursor"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/wacom"
Option "Type" "cursor"
# Option "ForceDevice" "ISDV4" # Tablet PC ONLY
Option "USB" "on"
Section "InputDevice"
Driver "wacom"
Identifier "pad"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/wacom"
Option "Type" "pad"
Option "USB" "on"
Section "Device"
Identifier "Configured Video Device"
Driver "nvidia"
Option "NoLogo" "True"
Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Configured Monitor"
Section "Screen"
Identifier "Default Screen"
Monitor "Configured Monitor"
Device "Configured Video Device"
Defaultdepth 24
Option "RenderAccel" "True"
Option "TwinView"
Option "TwinViewOrientation" "LeftOf"
Option "MetaModes" "1280×1024 1280×1024"
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Default Layout"
screen "Default Screen"
InputDevice "stylus" "SendCoreEvents"
InputDevice "cursor" "SendCoreEvents"
InputDevice "eraser" "SendCoreEvents"
InputDevice "pad"
Section "Module"
Load "glx"
4 Ressources