Software version |
Core 3.2.1 |
Operating System |
Debian 6 |
Website |
Nagios Website |
Last Update |
02/08/2013 |
Others |
1 Introduction
J'ai longtemps utilisé cet outil trouvé sur le net, puis repris conjointement avec un ex collègue qui permet de recevoir un email en fonction d'alertes de Nagios. Nous l'utilisions pour recevoir, avant d'arriver au taf ces emails, pour savoir quels sont les problèmes avant d'arriver. Cela permet d'arriver soit en courant, soit serein :-)
C'est un script qui va parser l'interface web graphique de Nagios, récupérer le minimum d'informations pour un bon affichage sur smartphone et envoyer un mail. Il suffit de mettre ceci en crontab pour recevoir ça le matin ou quant vous le souhaitez.
2 Installation
Il va falloir avoir Perl et certaines dépendances :
aptitude install liblwp-useragent-determined-perl libemail-sender-perl
3 Configuration
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Inspired by Rob Moss, 2005-07-26, coding@mossko.com
# Created by Charles-Henri TURPIN
# Modified by Pierre Mavro
my $mailsmtp = 'smtp.deimos.fr'; # Fill these in!my $mailfrom = 'deimos@deimos.fr'; # Coming from abovemy $mailto = 'deimos@deimos.fr'; # Set defautls receiversmy $mailsubject = 'Morning Checks';
package Service;
sub const
my ($classe, $hostname, $name, $duration, $message, $color) = @_; #la fonction reçoit comme premier paramètre le nom de la classe
my $this = {"hostname" => "hostname",
"name" => "name",
"duration" => "duration",
"message" => "message",
"color" => "color",};
$this->{"hostname"} = $hostname if defined $hostname;
$this->{"name"} = $name if defined $name;
$this->{"duration"} = $duration if defined $duration;
$this->{"message"} = $message if defined $message;
$this->{"color"} = $color if defined $color;
bless ($this,$classe); #lie la référence à la classe
return $this; #on retourne la référence consacrée
return 0;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Mail::Sender;
$Mail::Sender::NO_X_MAILER = 1;
my @services = ();
my $mailbody = '';
my @finalmailbody = (
'<html><head><style type="text/css">
.titre {
color: #FFFFFF;
background-color: #357AB7;
font-size: 12;
.titre td{
border: 2px solid #000000;
font-size: 12;
font-size: 10;
my $debug = 0; # Set the debug level to 1 or higher for informationmy $webuser = ''; # Set this to a read-only nagios user (not nagiosadmin!)my $webpass = ''; # Set this to a read-only nagios user (not nagiosadmin!)my $full;
my $reporturl;
my @nagiosnames;
&GetOptions (
"debug=s" => \$debug,
"help" => \&help,
"email=s" => \$mailto,
"names=s" => \@nagiosnames,
"full" => \$full
@nagiosnames = ('nagios-prod');}
################################ FUNCTIONS #######################################
sub program
my @nagiosnames = @_;
foreach my $nagiosname (@nagiosnames)
system("touch /tmp/nagios-report-htmlout.html; chmod 666 /tmp/nagios-report-htmlout.html");
push @finalmailbody, '</body></html>';
system("rm /tmp/nagios-report-htmlout.html");
sub launch
my $nagiosname = shift;
my $title = "<p align=\"center\"><b>".uc($nagiosname)."</b></p><hr color=\"black\" align=\"center\" width=\"80%\"/>";
push @finalmailbody, $title;
#-- 20110926 - Match the monitoring screen's request
#$reporturl = "http://$nagiosname/cgi-bin/nagios3/status.cgi?host=all&servicestatustypes=28&hoststatustypes=3&serviceprops=42&sorttype=1&sortoption=6&noheader";
if($nagiosname =~ /internal/)
$reporturl = "http://$nagiosname/cgi-bin/nagios3/status.cgi?hostgroup=prod-srv&style=detail&servicestatustypes=28&serviceprops=8&sorttype=1&sortoption=6&noheader";
$reporturl = "http://$nagiosname/cgi-bin/nagios3/status.cgi?style=detail&servicestatustypes=28&serviceprops=8&sorttype=1&sortoption=6&noheader";
# Get all status
if ($full)
sub main
debug(1,"reporturl: [$reporturl]");
$mailbody = http_request($reporturl);
open(FILE, "> /tmp/nagios-report-htmlout.html") or warn "can't open file /tmp/nagios-report-htmlout.html: $!\n";
#print "DEBUG $mailbody\n\n\n\n";
print FILE $mailbody;
close FILE;
sub check
open(FILE, "</tmp/nagios-report-htmlout.html");
my $gotit = 0; # = 1 while having a service
my $service;
chomp $_;
my $line = $_;
if($line =~ /\&host=(.*?)&service=(.*?)\'/)
#print "DEBUG ENTERS !!!\n";
$service = Service->const();
$service->{hostname} = $1;
$service->{name} = $2;
$service->{name} =~ s/\+/ /g;
$service->{name} =~ s/\%2F/\//g;
$service->{name} =~ s/\%3A/:/g;
elsif($line =~ /CLASS=\'statusUNKNOWN/)
#print "DEBUG UNKNOWN !!\n";
$service->{color} = "FFDA9F";
$gotit =1;
elsif($line =~ /CLASS=\'statusWARNING/)
#print "DEBUG WARNING !!\n";
$service->{color} = "FEFFC1";
$gotit =1;
elsif($line =~ /CLASS=\'statusOK/)
if ($full)
#print "DEBUG WARNING !!\n";
$service->{color} = "99FF99";
$gotit =1;
elsif($line =~ /CLASS=\'statusCRITICAL/)
#print "DEBUG CRITICAL !!\n";
$service->{color} = "FFBBBB";
$gotit =1;
elsif($line =~ /\'center\'\>(.*?)\</)
#print "DEBUG MESSAGE !!\n";
$service->{message} = $1;
elsif($line =~ /\<\/TR\>/)
if($gotit == 1)
#print "DEBUG PUSH ! $service->{color}, $service->{name}, $service->{message}, $service->{hostname}, $service->{duration}\n";
push(@services, $service);
$gotit = 0;
elsif($line =~ /\>\s*(\d+d\s*\d+h\s*\d+m\s*\d+s)/)
#print "DEBUG DURATION !!\n";
$service->{duration} = $1;
#### mailbody creation ####
push @finalmailbody, '<table width="100%"><tr class="titre"><td >Hostname</td><td>Service</td><td>Duration</td><td>Status</td></tr>';
foreach my $el (@services)
#print "DEBUG HAD A SERVICE !\n";
push @finalmailbody, "<tr class=\"el\" bgcolor=\"#$el->{color}\"><td>$el->{hostname}</td><td bgcolor=\"#$el->{color}\">$el->{name}</td><td>$el->{duration}</td><td>$el->{message}</td></tr>\n";
push @finalmailbody, '</table>';
$mailbody = ''; #Resetting values for next times
@services = (); #Resetting values for next times
sub help {
print <<_END_;
Nagios web->email reporter program.
$0 <args>
This screen
Send to this address instead of the default address
Names of the nagios servers you want to check (multiple names is ok)
Do not send only unhandled alerts but all (even ok)
exit 1;
sub http_request {
my $ua;
my $req;
my $res;
my $geturl = shift;
if (not defined $geturl or $geturl eq "") {
warn "No URL defined for http_request\n";
return 0;
$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->agent("Nagios Report Generator " . $ua->agent);
$req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $geturl);
$req->authorization_basic($webuser, $webpass);
$req->header( 'Accept' => 'text/html',
# send request
$res = $ua->request($req);
# check the outcome
if ($res->is_success) {
debug(1,"Retreived URL successfully");
return $res->decoded_content;
else {
print "Error: " . $res->status_line . "\n";
return 0;
sub debug {
my ($lvl,$msg) = @_;
if ( defined $debug and $lvl <= $debug ) {
print localtime(time) .": $msg\n";
return 1;
sub sendmail {
my $sender = new Mail::Sender {
smtp => "$mailsmtp",
from => "$mailfrom",
on_errors => 'die',
to => "$mailto",
subject => $mailsubject,
ctype => "text/html",
encoding => "quoted-printable"
}) or die $Mail::Sender::Error,"\n";
my $body_line;
foreach $body_line (@finalmailbody)
4 References
Ajoutez ensuite les droits d'exécution.
5 Utilisation
Pour l'utilisation, c'est relativement simple, il faut renseigner les informations présentes dans le script si vous souhaitez avoir des valeurs par défaut. Ensuite il est possible de spécifier en paramètre ces mêmes options ou non :
/usr/local/bin/morningchecks.pl -names nagios-prod
/usr/local/bin/morningchecks.pl -full -names nagios-prod --email=deimos@deimos.fr
Consultez également l'aide pour plus d'informations :
> /usr/local/bin/morningchecks.pl --help
Nagios web->email reporter program.
/usr/local/bin/morningchecks.pl <args>
This screen
Send to this address instead of the default address
Names of the nagios servers you want to check (multiple names is ok)
Do not send only unhandled alerts but all (even ok)