Weechat : a user friendly IRC client

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Software version 0.3.8
Operating System Debian 7
Website Weechat Website
Last Update 17/07/2013

1 Introduction

WeeChat is a fast, light and extensible chat client. It runs on many platforms (including Linux, BSD and Mac OS).

WeeChat is:

  • modular: a lightweight core with plugins around
  • multi-protocols: IRC and Jabber (other soon)
  • extensible: C plugins and scripts (Perl, Python, Ruby, Lua, Tcl and Scheme)
  • free software: released under GPLv3 license
  • fully documented: user's guide, API, FAQ,.. translated in many languages

Development is very active, and bug fixes are very fast!

2 Installation

The installation part is really easy :

Command aptitude
aptitude install weechat-curses

To launch it :

Command weechat-ncurses

3 Configuration

3.1 Freenode configuration

If you want to store your freenode configuration, edit and adapt this configuration file :

Configuration File ~/.weechat/irc.conf
nicks = "username1,username2,username3"
password = "pass"
realname = "realname"
username = "username"

3.2 Autoconnect to channels

If you want to autoconnect to a specific channel :

Configuration File ~/.weechat/irc.conf
autoconnect = on
autojoin = "#channel1,#channel2"

And if channel 1 require a password for instance :

Configuration File ~/.weechat/irc.conf
autoconnect = on
autojoin = "#channel1,#channel2 password"

4 References