Integrit : Add an integrity control tool on your Debian

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Software version 4.1
Operating System Debian 7
Website Integrit Website
Last Update 07/05/2013

1 Introduction

Integrit[1] is a simple yet secure alternative to products like tripwire. It has a small memory footprint, uses up-to-date cryptographic algorithms, and has features that make sense (like including the MD5 checksum of newly generated databases in the report

2 Installation

To install Integrit :

aptitude install integrit

3 Configuration

Configuration File /etc/integrit/integrit.debian.conf
# Configuration of the example daily cron job /etc/cron.daily/integrit
# Set the configuration file(s) for integrit.  /etc/cron.daily/integrit
# will run ``integrit -uc -C <file>'' for each file specified in CONFIGS.
# An empty CONFIGS variable disables /etc/cron.daily/integrit.  Multiple
# file names are separated with spaces, e.g.:
# CONFIGS="/etc/integrit/usr.conf /etc/integrit/lib.conf"
# CONFIGS="/etc/integrit/integrit.conf"
# Set the mail address reports are sent to
# Set the subject line for the report mails
EMAIL_SUBJ="[integrit] `hostname -f`: report on changes in the filesystems"
# If ALWAYS_EMAIL is set to ``true'', a report is mailed on every run.
# Normally a report is only generated when integrit(1) exits non-zero.

You need to adapt the vars vars listed bellow :

  • CONFIGS : set your main configuration or multiples if you have so
  • EMAIL_RCPT : your email address (the recipient)
  • EMAIL_SUBJ : the email subject if this one doesn't suit you
  • ALWAYS_EMAIL : set it to false if you want to receive emails only when a change occur

Now we're going to edit the main configuration of Integrit :

Configuration File /etc/integrit/integrit.conf
# /etc/integrit.conf : configuration file for integrit
# See integrit(1) and /usr/share/doc/integrit/examples/
# for more information.
# *** WARNING ***
# This is a simple default configuration file for Debian systems.
# It contains only comments, therefore integrit will not run with
# it. To make integrit functional, you must edit this file according
# to your needs.
# Please read README.Debian before running integrit.
# *** WARNING ***
# # Here's a table of letters and the corresponding checks / options:
# # Uppercase turns the check off, lowercase turns it on.
# #
# # 	  s	checksum
# # 	  i	inode
# # 	  p	permissions
# # 	  l	number of links
# # 	  u	uid
# # 	  g	gid
# # 	  z	file size (redundant if checksums are on)
# # 	  a	access time
# # 	  m	modification time
# # 	  c	ctime (time UN*X file info last changed)
# # 	  r	reset access time (use with care)
# # ignore directories that are expected to change
# !/cdrom
!/dev!/lost+found!/proc!sys# !/etc
# !/floppy
# !/home
# !/mnt
# !/root
# !/tmp
# !/var
# # ignore inode, change time and modification time
# # for ephemeral module files.
# /lib/modules/2.4.3/modules.dep IMC
# /lib/modules/2.4.3/modules.generic_string IMC
# /lib/modules/2.4.3/modules.isapnpmap IMC
# /lib/modules/2.4.3/modules.parportmap IMC
# /lib/modules/2.4.3/modules.pcimap IMC
# /lib/modules/2.4.3/modules.usbmap IMC
# # to cut down on runtime and db size:
# =/usr/include
# =/usr/X11R6/include
# =/usr/doc
# =/usr/info
# =/usr/share
# =/usr/X11R6/man
# =/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts
# # ignore user-dependant directories
# !/usr/local
# !/usr/src

To give you a quick understand of this configuration file :

  •  ! : do not scan this folder/file
  • = : do not search recursively if it's a folder
  • $ : tells not not inherit from the parent folder regarding the checking method
  • /etc MC : this example ask to not check mtime + ctime verification on /etc

Now we're going to initialize the known database :

Command integrit
integrit -C /etc/integrit/integrit.conf -u
integrit: ---- integrit, version 4.1 -----------------
integrit:                      output : human-readable
integrit:                   conf file : /etc/integrit/integrit.conf
integrit:                    known db : /var/lib/integrit/known.cdb
integrit:                  current db : /var/lib/integrit/current.cdb
integrit:                        root : /
integrit:                    do check : no
integrit:                   do update : yes

Move the current known database to known :

Command mv
mv /var/lib/integrit/current.cdb /var/lib/integrit/known.cdb

Next and to finish, you can update manually (or let cron do) the database :

Command integrit
integrit -C /etc/integrit/integrit.conf -c

This is strongly recommanded that you put the known database on a read only share

4 References

  1. ^